Legal Products for You – Information

Trust & Estate Products

DISCLAIMER: The following is intended as an overview of SeedJura Products.  It does not create an attorney client relationship with SeedJura or its attorneys and is not intended as legal advice to viewers and/or readers of this information.  No one should construe this as creating an attorney client relationship until such person has purchased SeedJura Product(s) and sign a written Legal Services Agreement via this website.

Not sure which documents you should get? No worries. Just pick the package that most fits your current status.

We know that it can be difficult to choose which documents are suitable for you. At SeedJura, we take the “guess work” out of the legal process. So, we bundled different documents in various packages based on the status of most people. You simply have to pick the package based on your current status. For example, if you are single (not legally married) with no minor child, the Super Single package would be most suitable for you. You can see below what legal documents are included in each of the packages. Note that the content of the legal documents may be different among packages and people based on their different answers to our online Questionnaire when they purchase SeedJura’s legal products.

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You can purchase any of our package(s) or product(s) for someone else.

If you desire to purchase for someone, just click on “Products for You” under “Legal Products” from the menu and pick the package that most fits the current status of the person you desire to purchase the package for, then follow the simple steps.  The only information that we will need from you about the recipient of the gift is his/her email address.  You can purchase for more than one person.

After you paid for the package/product and provided us the recipient’s email address, we will send the recipient an email with the link to a special page for them to complete the process. The recipient will (1) click on the link via the email, and (2) sign a Legal Service Agreement with SeedJura, PLLC so that we can prepare and review the document(s) in the package/product, and (3) answer a few questions specifically for the document(s) that we will be preparing for the recipient.

Or, if you want to figure it out yourself, just answer a few questions below and you can find out which legal documents are most suitable for you.