Your Rights Matter!

Because your rights are what ensure that YOU CAN BE YOU

SeedJura is a group of lawyers who are crazy about you having access to your rights. Your KEY to access your rights is a combination of having: (1) access to legal services and (2) knowledge of your rights.  

In order to accomplish this, our mission is to build a comprehensive technology platform to provide you the following: 

  • Affordable and useful legal products designed and backed by licensed lawyers,

  • Fun and applicable legal knowledge and educational information accessible by you, and

  • Options of different level and types of legal services.
protect rights

SeedJura changes legal services

so that legal services actually serve people.


People constantly are told that they have rights. But do you know all of your rights? More importantly, do you know how to access your rights? Without the ability to access them, those rights become irrelevant to you.


People often only associate fighting for their rights with demonstrating on streets or litigating in courtrooms. Although those are important, the “key” to access your rights is your ability to access a combination of — legal documents, lawyers, legal processes, and legal education.


Many thinks that it is a daunting and expensive process, so only a few have interests and can afford the “key.” The reality is that only those few have the benefit of accessing their rights.


At SeedJura, we work hard to combine our licensed attorneys’ many years of experience with a specially designed technology platform created by our affiliated technology and education companies to efficiently build and deliver useful legal products and easy to understand on-line educational materials and videos. In addition, we are building innovative options of legal services for you and your business.


We know that our legal products and educational programs are the basic building blocks to meet your and your business’ basic legal needs. SeedJura is constantly working on expanding our products, legal learning contents and options to legal services to help people access and grow their rights.


If we do not currently offer the legal products that you are looking for or within your state, please let us know by clicking on “Contact” below and we will keep you updated with our progress.


How does it work?

Steps to access your rights

Your rights matter because you matter!  Your rights ensure that you can be you.  But your rights are not automatically available to you. You must know how to access them.  The reality is that if you don’t have access to your rights, you are in a way giving them up.  To access your rights, you have to start building your “key” and the component of this key contains: (1) having suitable legal documents/products for you, your family and your business, (2) having knowledge of the Constitution, legal processes and system, laws and how those can affect you and your business, and (3) having access to options to legal services and assistance when you need them.  If you want to be successful and be you, you must be passionate about having access to your rights.  At SeedJura, we are a group of lawyers who are crazy about you having access to your rights, so we built a platform which offers you those components to build the key to access your rights. We try to make this as affordable and easy as possible.  All you need to do is to follow the steps below.

Our legal products are designed, offered and backed by SeedJura, PLLC and other licensed lawyers.  Each legal product is designed for a special area of the basic legal needs by the vast majority of people.  We then package those legal products (legal documents in many cases) in various packages that are suitable for different groups of people.  Having suitable legal products is one of the important components of the “key” to access your rights.  So, the first step would be to pick the legal product(s) or package(s) that is most suitable for your current situation.  Most of our products provide a la carte and package options. You can purchase our legal products by clicking on “Legal Products” tab above.

If you have a business, your accessing of your rights will protect your company and what you so work hard for now and in the future.  Pick the right legal products for your business based on the type of business and the stage of your business.  Click on “Legal Products” to choose the right legal products for your business.  (at this time, we are working hard to build the basic legal products that are suitable for various types of businesses and will them available in the near future).

It is crucial for each of us to have basic knowledge of the Constitution, the legal system and basic laws of our country and our community in order for us to have access to our rights.  Our country is built based on our rights to rule the country and ability to make changes to the system.  If we don’t understand our rights and responsibilities, then we will be subject to the ruling of those who either have those knowledge or who can afford to pay people with those knowledge.  It is fundamental for each of us be passionate about learning about our rights.  SeedJura Legal Learning provides easy to understand and fun videos, materials and information about the fundamental information that you should know.  Most of SeedJura Legal Learning contents are free of charge.  Click on “SeedJura Legal Learning” tab above to see all of the great information and videos that we prepared for you and your family.  You can also follow us on facebook, instagram, youtube and tweeter to get updated contents.

Unlike a lot of other websites merely offering legal documents, SeedJura, PLLC is a law firm with lawyers who are crazy about you having access to your rights.  Our goal is not just to sell you legal documents, but to make sure that we build a platform that provides affordable and accessible components for you to build your “key” to access your rights.  This includes legal products with legal documents which are backed by licensed lawyers, educational videos and materials designed by educators and lawyers together with people like you, and other options of legal services offered by licensed and experienced lawyers on SeedJura’s technology platform.  We believe that the term “legal services” is more than just legal documents.  It is time to redfine and change legal services so that legal services actually serve people.  

The meaning of “SeedJura”

Jura” means rights and laws. Our legal products are “seeds” to access and grow your rights under the laws of your state and the U.S.


This website provides general information only and it does not create an attorney-client relationship with SeedJura, PLLC, or any attorneys within the firm or other law firms that SeedJura, PLLC works with, and it is not intended as legal advice to any viewer of this website. No one should act or fail to act in reliance on this website without seeking qualified professional advice. No attorney-client relationship exists unless a Legal Services Agreement is signed by you and SeedJura, PLLC.